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Balloon Flower / Doraji - Platycodon grandiflorus

Regular price $7.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.00 USD
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Balloon Flower, known as Doraji in Korea, is a beautiful perennial flowering plant, usually only couple feet tall, with blue/purple flowers that have a stage where all the petals are connected, in an angled balloon like manner, the source of its common name. This species has some traditional medicinal uses in several East Asian countries but its utility as a root vegetable is most appreciated in Korea, where its cooked in many ways, including savory and sweet dishes. Soaking and rubbing with salt before preparing is done to eliminate some of Doraji's bitterness. 

A plant of more northern latitudes, and 9b Florida about the southernmost area it can be consistently grown, Balloon Flower appreciates some protection from afternoon summer sun, but is otherwise happy growing in mostly full sun, in well amended but sandy well draining soil. This species will go dormant during fall/winter for a short period. Being that we are pushing the southern limits of this species in Florida, take seeds when possible and replant some yearly to make up for any summer losses.