
Toothache Plant / Spilanthes - Acmella oleracea

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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Also called: paracress, buzz buttons, electric daisies, tingflowers and many other names that hint at this species odd characteristics when eaten, this small distant sunflower relative deserves a spot in anyones garden who enjoys novel herbs.

When leaves or especially flower buds are eaten their plain green/grassy flavor is rapidly overtaken by a cooling/numbing/tingling sensations and a mouthwatering effect that lessen after a few minutes. Also has some utility in folk remedies and acts as a low growing groundcover that attracts some pollinators.

The variety we grow has all yellow flowers. Short term perennial that's generally more of an annual in areas with frost, and will self seed under ideal conditions. Prefers dappled sun and rich soil.